Showing 3 Result(s)

Your life is meant to be lived intentionally

I believe the best way to experience this life is to be the healthiest version of yourself. Mind, body, heart. When you are healthy you feel good, look good, think clearly, and take positive action. You show up better in all the important areas of life such as your relationships, your career, your finances, and …

14 Day Cleanse: Day 8

I’ve been struggling with fatigue. Some days it feels like I’m crawling across the finish line when I get into bed. I told myself plenty of stories as to why it was ok to be that tired all the time like my 4 year old with no off switch or the abdominal pain I still …

14 Day Cleanse: Day 5

I’ve had a big aha while on the 14 Day Community Cleanse with my fellow Health Coaches. (Yes! This will be a product offering when I begin taking clients!) My attempts to stay mindful during my cravings has provided some pretty interesting insights on emotional eating. Turns out all those simple carbs I crave (pasta, …