14 Day Cleanse: Day 8

I’ve been struggling with fatigue. Some days it feels like I’m crawling across the finish line when I get into bed. I told myself plenty of stories as to why it was ok to be that tired all the time like my 4 year old with no off switch or the abdominal pain I still endured. Coffee was, I thought, my saving grace. If I got those two steamy, creamy cups in the morning I knew I could face another day, but here’s the reality. I’ve gone 8 days without coffee. The first 3 were peppered with intense headaches. I tried herbal teas recommended as coffee substitutes but quickly realized I didn’t need them. By day 5 I wasn’t even thinking about coffee. In fact I’m actually popping up out of bed on time, getting tons done throughout the day, and bedtime is a relaxing wind down. I can’t say for certain it’s all coffees fault but it’s enough to convince me that I don’t NEED to reintroduce it to my system again if I don’t want to and that to me is freedom.